
Workforce information

Information on pay and structure within the organisation

Equality Act 2010

The Council has a legal duty, under the , to publish annually, workforce information relating to the 鈥減rotected characteristics鈥:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race (including ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality)
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

Workforce overview

The Council had 2,676 (2,471 full-time equivalent) employees on 31 December 2023, excluding those in schools. 

  • 1,606 (60%) are Female.
  • 1,070 (40%) are Male. 
  • 1,498 (56%) are White/ White British staff (including White Irish and White Other)
  • 963 (36%) are from a Black, Asian and Multi-Ethnic background. 

An updated profile of the workforce by protected characteristics will be published by 30 June 2024. 

See also Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting.

Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting

We have a long tradition of promoting equality and were: 

The first council in the country to adopt a Gender Equality Charter in 2016. The charter is a commitment of the Council and our partners to create a fair and just society with a strong emphasis on ensuring everyone has the same chance to succeed however they identify in terms of gender.

One of the first local authorities to sign up to the national Race at Work Charter. The charter sets out five key principles that we have publicly committed to and demonstrates that we are determined to take action to be representative of the communities that we serve.

We have voluntarily produced our ethnicity pay gap, using the methodology set out by the Government and are looking at publishing pay gaps for other groups with protected characteristics in the future.

Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2024 (PDF, 344.49 KB)

Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2023 (PDF, 342.95 KB)

Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2022 (PDF, 335.19 KB)

Pay policy statement

Our pay policy statement meets the requirements of the  for the London Borough of 台湾六合彩and Dagenham and is agreed by members in full Council.  It includes:

  • The level and elements of pay for each chief officer (the Chief Executive and Directors of the Council).
  • The pay of its lowest-paid employees (together with its definition of lowest-paid employees and its reasons for adopting that definition)
  • The Council鈥檚 pay multiple - the ratio between the highest paid employee (the Chief Executive) and lowest paid employee.
  • Other specific aspects of chief officers鈥 pay: pay on recruitment, increases and additions to pay, use of performance-related pay and bonuses, termination payments, and transparency.

Any changes are approved following a vote at an open meeting of full Council, and will result in the Pay Policy Statement being updated.

Senior staff pay (staff earning over 拢50,000) / Exit packages

All councils are expected to publish details of the salaries of all senior management staff and staff that earn over 拢50,000 (in bands of 拢5,000), and the number of exit packages.  This information is published in the Annual Statement of Accounts.

Trade Unions

Recognised Trade Unions

The Council recognises the following trade unions and teacher associations:

  • GMB
  • ASCL
  • NAHT
  • NEU

Trade union facility time

Trade union representatives have a statutory right to time off under Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

As explained in the , the general purpose of the legislation is to 鈥榓id and improve the effectiveness of relationships between employers and trade unions鈥. This includes representing members, consultation on redundancy situations, workplace and health and safety matters, and/or where the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employees) Regulations (TUPE) apply, 

Publication of trade union facility time

Public-sector organisations that employ more than 49 full-time employees are in the previous year ending 31st March; this must be published separately in relation to its 鈥渃entral function鈥 and 鈥渆ducation function鈥 employees by 31st July.